PTA Special Education/Inclusion Representative

Role Description

PTA Special Education/Inclusion Representative

About 13% of district students receive special educational services via an IEP (Individual Education Plan) or 504 Plan, and volunteers in this role aim to make our schools more inclusive and welcoming places for these students and their families. In this role you can also help to raise awareness of learning differences in your school. 

The Special Education/Inclusion Rep is a PTA role at the school site, and will be appointed by the unit PTA president.

(The role is flexible, but can include the following)

  1. Point of Contact: ­Introduce yourself as the Special Education/Inclusion Representative to your school administrators, PTA, Site Council, special education teachers and resource specialists including TOSA’s at your school site.
  2. Parent to Parent Support and Networking: Develop a working knowledge of district and community resources. Provide introductions to key personnel at the school site, and to district or community partners as needed (i.e., telling parents about IEP training, Parents Helping Parents, discussion groups, or resources on the CAC website (
  3. Organize Parent Coffees/Chats: Host about 2 social events a year (coffee or similar) for parents of children with IEPs, 504s, or learning differences, and families questioning if their child needs an assessment and special services. You don’t need to know it all (none of us do), and other Special Ed/Inclusion Reps or PTA members can assist/partner with you.
  4. Communications: Publicize Special Ed/Inclusion related events by posting flyers at your school, making sure CAC announcements are in your eNews, and generally spreading the word about events. Work with the PAUSD Family Engagement Specialist for your school for communication and outreach to families of students with learning challenges and special needs, including historically underrepresented students.
  5. Attend training offered by PTA Council/ CAC, attend some monthly PTA and CAC meetings, and share ideas you have from the perspective of special ed students, or on district/ state issues that impact students with special challenges.