On November 5th, district staff will give an update on it’s Dyslexia work, but October is Dyslexia Awareness month. Parents will attend Tuesday Oct 15th PAUSD Board Meeting during Open Forum and rally together for a reading of PAUSD’s Dyslexia Resolution, and show that there is still important work to be done to support teachers and their students with Dyslexia.
- We’re inviting adults AND children, to arrive at 25 Churchill Ave. before 6:30pm for Open Forum (be prompt!)
- We will have stickers/ribbons for people to wear in solidarity. Grey or Silver clothing is preferred.
- People should STAND while we read the 2017 Dyslexia Resolution. https://go.
boarddocs.com/ca/pausd/Board. nsf/files/AWA2N400D476/$file/ ResolutionNo.2017-18. 09Dyslexia.pdf - If anyone would like to make a personal statement they can fill out a speaker card. Plan for 2 minutes if there are >15 speakers, otherwise it’s 3 min max.
- We will probably be about 30 minutes, but stay as long as you can.
Invite your friends! Thanks.