You’re invited!
Please join us at the Palo Alto CAC’s annual Family Fun Day!
Free pizza, popsicles, face painting, bubble fun, lawn games and more. Coaches will lead the kids in games and fun. Parents can socialize with other families. Meet PAUSD’s Special Education staff and others. Spanish and Mandarin translators available.
DATE: Sunday September 29, 2019
TIME: 3:00 to 5:00pm
LOCATION: Pine Grove Picnic Area @ Mitchell Park, near the Magical Bridge Playground (600 East Meadow Dr)
RSVP here! (Not required but helps us with food planning)
WHO: All families of children with IEPs, 504s, or learning differences are invited. Children & their parent or other adult, along with siblings of all ages and family members are welcome. (No drop-offs please.)
Sponsored by the Palo Alto CAC, the Council of Palo Alto PTAs and PAUSD. The CAC has been serving families of children with special needs since 1988.
With activities and support from the following organizations: