Update 11/3: Materials from the workshop: Power Point and Handouts
This free workshop covers the basics of the Special Education Assessment process and SMART IEP Goal writing, including how goals are developed and measured to meet both functional and educational needs.
Assessments are the tests and evaluations that measure current academic and functional skills, and determine eligibility for special education, and are the foundation of the entire IEP.
SMART Goals (Specific, Measurable, use Action words, Realistic, Time Limited) are the stepping stones of an appropriate education.
Parents learn about the tools that schools use to assess students and how to help identify and define goals for their own kids.
Coming’ Let us know, especially if you would like childcare or Spanish translation. https://tinyurl.com/2018IEP
Organized by Palo Alto CAC (www.cacpaloalto.org), presented by PHP (Parents Helping Parents, (www.php.com/), and co-sponsored by PAUSD, PTAC and SELPA1-CAC (www.selpa1cac.org)