Palo Alto Unified School District Family Leadership Summit – Jan 12, 2019
PAUSD hosts its 1st Joint Family Leadership Summit for parents of children in elementary, middle and high school on January 12, 2019 at Palo Alto High School (8:30 am- 4:30 pm). PAUSD has partnered with Palo Alto Housing, the Children’s Health Council, CAC, the PTA Council and our very own staff, to bring you high quality sessions designed to build trust, transparency, and meaningful engagement. The Summit is an all-day learning experience for ALL parents – General Education and Special Education alike. Come meet Superintendent Don Austin and hear about his vision for the District. Numerous sessions are offered under each of the 5 major strands:
Strand 1: College Access
Strand 2: Mental Health/SEL/Behavior
Strand 3: Special Education
Strand 4: Student Learning
Strand 5: Parenting
Space is limited. RSVP here:
QUESTIONS? Contact Yolanda Conaway, Assistant Superintendent of Strategic Initiatives and Operations